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Publishing Ethics and

Malpractice Statement Summary

At Oxbridge Publishing House, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of publishing ethics and preventing malpractice in all our operations. Our publishing ethics and malpractice statement provides clear guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors on ethical conduct, and outlines the procedures for addressing cases of suspected malpractice.

We adhere to the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and we require all our authors, reviewers, and editors to follow these guidelines. These guidelines include principles such as confidentiality, objectivity, fairness, and accountability.

We require our authors to ensure that their research is original, accurate, and does not contain plagiarism or falsified data. We also require authors to disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their research or the peer review process.

We require our reviewers to provide objective and constructive feedback on manuscripts, and to disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their impartiality. We also ensure that the review process is conducted in a confidential and anonymous manner.

We require our editors to ensure that the peer review process is fair, transparent, and efficient, and to ensure that editorial decisions are based on the quality, rigor, and significance of the research. We also require editors to disclose any conflicts of interest and to ensure that the review process is conducted in a confidential and anonymous manner.

To prevent malpractice, we have implemented several measures, including plagiarism detection software, data verification checks, and quality assurance checks on the peer review process. We also have a formal appeals process for authors who wish to dispute editorial decisions or the peer review process.

In cases of suspected malpractice, we will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action, which may include retracting the article, notifying relevant authorities, and banning the responsible individuals from submitting or reviewing articles in our journals.

This Publishing Ethics Policy applies to all our books and the following Journals:

At Oxbridge Publishing House, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of publishing ethics across all our books and journals. We recognize the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in all our operations, and we are dedicated to promoting ethical conduct among our authors, reviewers, and editors.

Our publishing ethics policy applies to all our journals, including Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space Journal), Transnational Marketing Journal, Cuadernos de Economía, and Croatian International Relations Review. We expect all our authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these ethical guidelines in all their interactions with our journals.

We require our authors to ensure that their research is original, accurate, and does not contain plagiarism or falsified data. We also require authors to disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their research or the peer review process.

We require our reviewers to provide objective and constructive feedback on manuscripts, and to disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their impartiality. We also ensure that the review process is conducted in a confidential and anonymous manner.

We require our editors to ensure that the peer review process is fair, transparent, and efficient, and to ensure that editorial decisions are based on the quality, rigor, and significance of the research. We also require editors to disclose any conflicts of interest and to ensure that the review process is conducted in a confidential and anonymous manner.

To prevent malpractice, we have implemented several measures, including plagiarism detection software, data verification checks, and quality assurance checks on the peer review process. We also have a formal appeals process for authors who wish to dispute editorial decisions or the peer review process.

In cases of suspected malpractice, we will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action, which may include retracting the article, notifying relevant authorities, and banning the responsible individuals from submitting or reviewing articles in our journals.